There might be a few stuff you should take note before browsing our blog, here's a conveniently organized list with all the information we believe is important in order for you to enjoy this community fully:
Please take note that all the cosplays here were NOT made nor photographed by us.
All the images are linked to their original source, all you have to do is click on them.
If your picture is here and you do not wish so to happen, please send us a comment in the post containing that same image, together with a link to the picture so we know which one you're talking about.
If you are looking for cosplays on a specific character, look in our Characters sidebar widget, but if you want to see all the cosplays for a certain anime / manga / game / etc... look in the Cosplays sidebar widget.
If you'd like to watch videos with these cosplay, please do so at our Youtube Channel.
Read the News and Blog posts if you are interested in knowing more about our blog.
If you are looking for cosplays on a specific character, look in our Characters sidebar widget, but if you want to see all the cosplays for a certain anime / manga / game / etc... look in the Cosplays sidebar widget.
If you'd like to watch videos with these cosplay, please do so at our Youtube Channel.
Read the News and Blog posts if you are interested in knowing more about our blog.
♥ Thank You ♥